BIOWash 2 ™
Screen wash for plastisol inks ( no odor). Low cost, low VOC less then 5% VOCs, Very low vapor pressure, 100% biodegradable, excellent degreaser, flash point above 200’F, safe, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, sustainable chemistery, small carbon footprint, 93% biobased content, made from renewable resources, EPA approved SNAP solvent, no ozone depleting chemicals, no HAP’s no hazardous air pollutants, no global warning compounds, non SARA 313 reportable, non hazardous under RCRA.
- Emulsion and capilary stencil safe
- High load capacity to reduce usage
- Non-Hazardous
- Biodegradable
- Drain safe
- Non flammable
- Water solube

Brush Bio Wash #2 on the ink areas of the screen. Agitate the ink to allow for depper penetration. Rinse with a cold water rinse